Events & Training
Social Value Canada offers events, webinars, and practice discussions. They are designed as opportunities to learn from peers, engage with topical experts, and advance Social Value Principles, Standards, and Practice.
The sessions listed below are offered regularly, typically every month or two, allowing participants to choose a date that best fits their schedule. We encourage participants to select the session that aligns with their availability and professional needs.
Some events, webinars and online discussions are open to SVC and SVI (Social Value International) members only. Find out more about what it means to be a member of Social Value Canada. We look forward to your participation.
“SVC is connecting practitioners across the country, advancing Social Value thinking and practice. ”

Upcoming Events & Training

Level 2 Accreditation Training
COURSE IS FULL - please register for June 2nd
This course is a key part of the Social Value International Accredited Practitioner Pathway for social value professionals in Canada and around the world. It is a requirement for all seeking credentials in Social Value and SROI practice.
Course Overview:
Social Value and SROI are internationally recognised tools for understanding, measuring, maximizing, and valuing outcomes - i.e. to inform insights into how well impact is maximized via decision-making and allocation of resources.
Both are impact-informed approaches. They illustrate the value and relative importance of impacts from the perspective of those impacted, which is the foundation of a credible Social Value Account.
SROI takes this work further. It includes the value of secondary and systems impacts and draws upon a variety of valuation techniques to represent the relative importance of impacts experienced. Once completed, an SROI ratio compares the value of change to the cost of achieving it.
Highly interactive. Based upon real-life examples of participants and course leaders.
Currently online, this course is structured into 5, 3-hour sessions (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday following Monday, Tuesday). Followed by a 1-hour recap session.
Learning outcomes:
Clear understanding of the history, philosophy and principles of SROI and social value
Practical application through work on a real-world example using an impact map
Per individual case
Clarity on scope, stakeholders, inputs and outputs
Outcomes mapped, evidenced, and valued
Options & application of different valuation techniques
Understanding of assurance and accreditation requirements
Discussion on broader implications of Social Value and SROI in decision making, implementation, policy development, impact investment, and accountability/reporting - across all sectors.

Monthly Member Connect
Do you know Jo Nicholson of Social Value Aotearoa? If not, you definitely should!
Jo has been part of the Social Value moment since it launched in New Zealand in 2014. Key Social Value concepts are adapted in New Zealand to Māori culture, which have been a key point of reference as many priorities are addressed.
Please join us on April 9th. See you there!

Level 2 Accreditation Training
COURSE IS FULL - please register for June 2nd
This course is a key part of the Social Value International Accredited Practitioner Pathway for social value professionals in Canada and around the world. It is a requirement for all seeking credentials in Social Value and SROI practice.
Course Overview:
Social Value and SROI are internationally recognised tools for understanding, measuring, maximizing, and valuing outcomes - i.e. to inform insights into how well impact is maximized via decision-making and allocation of resources.
Both are impact-informed approaches. They illustrate the value and relative importance of impacts from the perspective of those impacted, which is the foundation of a credible Social Value Account.
SROI takes this work further. It includes the value of secondary and systems impacts and draws upon a variety of valuation techniques to represent the relative importance of impacts experienced. Once completed, an SROI ratio compares the value of change to the cost of achieving it.
Highly interactive. Based upon real-life examples of participants and course leaders.
Currently online, this course is structured into 5, 3-hour sessions (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday following Monday, Tuesday). Followed by a 1-hour recap session.
Learning outcomes:
Clear understanding of the history, philosophy and principles of SROI and social value
Practical application through work on a real-world example using an impact map
Per individual case
Clarity on scope, stakeholders, inputs and outputs
Outcomes mapped, evidenced, and valued
Options & application of different valuation techniques
Understanding of assurance and accreditation requirements
Discussion on broader implications of Social Value and SROI in decision making, implementation, policy development, impact investment, and accountability/reporting - across all sectors.

Level 2 Accreditation Training
COURSE IS FULL - please register for June 2nd
This course is a key part of the Social Value International Accredited Practitioner Pathway for social value professionals in Canada and around the world. It is a requirement for all seeking credentials in Social Value and SROI practice.
Course Overview:
Social Value and SROI are internationally recognised tools for understanding, measuring, maximizing, and valuing outcomes - i.e. to inform insights into how well impact is maximized via decision-making and allocation of resources.
Both are impact-informed approaches. They illustrate the value and relative importance of impacts from the perspective of those impacted, which is the foundation of a credible Social Value Account.
SROI takes this work further. It includes the value of secondary and systems impacts and draws upon a variety of valuation techniques to represent the relative importance of impacts experienced. Once completed, an SROI ratio compares the value of change to the cost of achieving it.
Highly interactive. Based upon real-life examples of participants and course leaders.
Currently online, this course is structured into 5, 3-hour sessions (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday following Monday, Tuesday). Followed by a 1-hour recap session.
Learning outcomes:
Clear understanding of the history, philosophy and principles of SROI and social value
Practical application through work on a real-world example using an impact map
Per individual case
Clarity on scope, stakeholders, inputs and outputs
Outcomes mapped, evidenced, and valued
Options & application of different valuation techniques
Understanding of assurance and accreditation requirements
Discussion on broader implications of Social Value and SROI in decision making, implementation, policy development, impact investment, and accountability/reporting - across all sectors.

SVI Global Coffee Chat
Opportunity for meaningful international connection is a key benefit of being part of Social Value Canada (SVC). These coffee chats are organized by Social Value International (SVI), on behalf of its 26Joint and Associated Member Networks from across the world.
While all members are invited to join every month, these chats are organized to include the Americas bi-monthly.
At SVC, we believe that the more we engage internationally, the more we will bring new knowledge home and further strengthen our own work.
Working with colleagues from across the globe, we advance towards the ultimate goal of all decisions accounting for impact on the well-being of people and planet. And, most emphatically, towards ensuring those decisions account for the real experience of those who have been impacted.
Together, we are changing the way the world accounts for value. Join us!

Introduction to: Social Value
Whether you’re an advanced practitioner wanting to recap, aspiring changemaker, or simply curious about social value, this session welcomes everyone eager to deepen their understanding of social value and impact management.
Key topics include:
The Principles of Social Value: their purpose, application, and the SVI standards for their use,
The distinctions between impact management and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), and
Why starting with impact management can be transformative for individuals, social enterprises andorganisations across sectors.
Please note: This session is open to anyone interested in the social value movement and impact management.

Social Value & SROI: The Foundations
An engaging, short course focused on the foundations of Social Value and Social Return on Investment (SROI). It is an opportunity to focus on the essential concepts and tools of Social Value, SROI, and impact management.
This 1-day course is organized into three, 90-minute sessions, with a 30 minute breaks beginning at 8 AM PST / 11 AM EST and ending at 1:30 PST / 4:30 EST.
Content Overview:
The Eight Principles of Social Value are the content anchor. The course highlights the needed steps to create meaningful social value accounts, and Social Value & SROI reports that are tailored to specific audiences.
Participants gain insights into social impact management practice, how to embed Social Value in decision-making, and how to use Social Value tools such as SROI to maximize impact for all people affected.
Whether your organization seeks to maximize the impact of services, inform program design, or improve sustainability performance, this Social Value and SROI course is essential to inform and investigate social impact management, valuation and reporting practice.

Introduction to the Professional Pathway
Welcome to "Introduction to the Professional Pathway," hosted by Social Value Canada (SVC).
The SVI Professional Pathway enables individual practitioners to gain internationally recognized qualifications in social value and impact management. It is a three-tiered pathway that supports those developing their skills, knowledge and practice in social value, impact management and the practical application of the SVI framework in social impact assessment and SROI. The accreditation it confers enables practitioners to showcase their skills and expertise to potential clients, employers or partners.
In this session, we will explore the different levels in the Professional Pathway, detailing the distinctions between them and providing more information on assurance and accreditation.
Whether you attend on your own behalf or as a representative of an organization, this event is tailored to provide a clear understanding of the pathway and how it can benefit you professionally.
Join us for an engaging and informative session, where we share how you can become part of a community of experts who are shaping the social value movement and changing the way the world accounts for value.
Please note: This session is open to Members & Non-Members

Level 2 Accreditation Training
This course is a key part of the Social Value International Accredited Practitioner Pathway for social value professionals in Canada and around the world. It is a requirement for all seeking credentials in Social Value and SROI practice.
Course Overview:
Social Value and SROI are internationally recognised tools for understanding, measuring, maximizing, and valuing outcomes - i.e. to inform insights into how well impact is maximized via decision-making and allocation of resources.
Both are impact-informed approaches. They illustrate the value and relative importance of impacts from the perspective of those impacted, which is the foundation of a credible Social Value Account.
SROI takes this work further. It includes the value of secondary and systems impacts and draws upon a variety of valuation techniques to represent the relative importance of impacts experienced. Once completed, an SROI ratio compares the value of change to the cost of achieving it.
Highly interactive. Based upon real-life examples of participants and course leaders.
Currently online, this course is structured into 5, 3-hour sessions. Followed by a 1-hour recap session.
Learning outcomes:
Clear understanding of the history, philosophy and principles of SROI and social value
Practical application through work on a real-world example using an impact map
Per individual case
Clarity on scope, stakeholders, inputs and outputs
Outcomes mapped, evidenced, and valued
Options & application of different valuation techniques
Understanding of assurance and accreditation requirements
Discussion on broader implications of Social Value and SROI in decision making, implementation, policy development, impact investment, and accountability/reporting - across all sectors.

Monthly Member Gathering
We are having regular monthly drop-in session for members to meet in an informal setting, discuss ongoing or completed work, and get information on the latest happenings.
Join us!

Monthly Member Gathering
We are having regular monthly drop-in session for members to meet in an informal setting, discuss ongoing or completed work, and get information on the latest happenings.
Join us!

Monthly Member Gathering
We are having regular monthly drop-in session for members to meet in an informal setting, discuss ongoing or completed work, and get information on the latest happenings.
Join us!

Introduction to the Professional Pathway
Welcome to "Introduction to the Professional Pathway," hosted by Social Value Canada (SVC).
The SVI Professional Pathway enables individual practitioners to gain internationally recognized qualifications in social value and impact management. It is a three-tiered pathway that supports those developing their skills, knowledge and practice in social value, impact management and the practical application of the SVI framework in social impact assessment and SROI. The accreditation it confers enables practitioners to showcase their skills and expertise to potential clients, employers or partners.
In this session, we will explore the different levels in the Professional Pathway, detailing the distinctions between them and providing more information on assurance and accreditation.
Whether you attend on your own behalf or as a representative of an organization, this event is tailored to provide a clear understanding of the pathway and how it can benefit you professionally.
Join us for an engaging and informative session, where we share how you can become part of a community of experts who are shaping the social value movement and changing the way the world accounts for value.
Please note: This session is open to Members & Non-Members

Social Value & SROI: The Foundations
An engaging, short course focused on the foundations of Social Value and Social Return on Investment (SROI). It is an opportunity to focus on the essential concepts and tools of Social Value, SROI, and impact management.
This 1-day course is organized into three, 90-minute sessions, with 30 minute breaks beginning at 7:30 AM PST / 10:30 AM EST and ending at 1:30 PST / 4:30 EST.
Content Overview:
The Eight Principles of Social Value are the content anchor. The course highlights the needed steps to create meaningful social value accounts, and Social Value & SROI reports that are tailored to specific audiences.
Participants gain insights into social impact management practice, how to embed Social Value in decision-making, and how to use Social Value tools such as SROI to maximize impact for all people affected.
Whether your organization seeks to maximize the impact of services, inform program design, or improve sustainability performance, this Social Value and SROI course is essential to inform and investigate social impact management, valuation and reporting practice.

Level 1 Practitioner Exam
This Social Value Practitioner Exam is a series of multiple choice, True/False, and ‘fill in the gaps’ style questions divided into six sections. The exam structure mirrors the progression of all Social Value courses, including Social Value & SROI: The Foundations and Social Value & SROI for Practitioners in particular.
The writer is offered a maximum of 90 minutes (about 1 and a half hours) to complete the exam. It is generally agreed that timing is ample for completion and pre-submission review.
Once exam access is purchased, the writer can begin at any time, however, the exam can only be written in one sitting (i.e. stop/start breaks are not possible).
Exam purchase requires a) current SVC membership, b) a Commitment of Good Practice, and c) Terms and Conditions upon application. Upon a successful result, the writer is awarded Level 1: Social Value Associate status, which remains current for 12 months. Social Value Canada will activate the renewal process every 12 months.
There is no prerequisite to write the exam yet some pre-reading may be beneficial. A link to the Level 1 Practitioner Exam reading list is here.
To register click the payment link below.

Accredited Practitioner Community Calls
You are invited to join the next SVC/SVI Accredited Practitioner Community call on 12 March
The purpose of the Accredited Practitioner Community calls is to create a space that enables members of the AP Community (Level 1: Social Value Associates, Level 2: Accredited Practitioners, Level 3: Advanced Practitioners, Accredited Trainers, and Accredited Assessors) to come together for technical discussions around social value and impact measurement and management.
Practitioners are invited to bring questions and challenges to the Accredited Practitioner Community calls, where peer-to-peer support will be offered. Practitioners are also invited to share breakthroughs and "social value wins" with the community to help share knowledge and progress. From time to time, these calls may also be used to share important updates on methodology or assurance from Social Value International.
Attendance at the Accredited Practitioner Community calls can also be used as evidence of ongoing CPD when your AP status is up for renewal!

Monthly Member Connect
SVC Member Connects are designed to maximize our network time together. We will be hearing about each others’ work, exploring core practice questions, and engaging with pioneers from across both Canada and around the world.
On March 5th, meet Co-Founders of Social Value Malaysia, Professor Ainurul Rosli and Jane Chang. Fasten your seat belts! This is an opportunity to experience how Social Value, SROI, the SDG Impact Standards, and the other SVC/SVI initiatives all come together in a meaningful and high-impact way.
Ainurul came to the Social Value movement as a highly skilled professional in entrepreneurship, innovation, and knowledge exchange. This is an opportunity to experience from Ainurul, how Social Value concepts and SROI integrate across all of her work, leading to greater impact. More information about Ainurul is here.
Jane is also an inspiring force of nature. A scholar in advanced, cognitive entrepreneurship, Jane is also an advanced impact management and SROI practitioner, Jane’s commitment to embedding Social Value and to using SROI throughout her work is leading many initiatives and change-oriented discussions across Malaysia. More information on Jane’s background is here.
Join us. This discussion is not to be missed!
Together, we are changing the way the world accounts for value.

Level 2 Accreditation Training
This course is a key part of the Social Value International Accredited Practitioner Pathway for social value professionals in Canada and around the world. It is a requirement for all seeking credentials in Social Value and SROI practice.
Course Overview:
Social Value and SROI are internationally recognised tools for understanding, measuring, maximizing, and valuing outcomes - i.e. to inform insights into how well impact is maximized via decision-making and allocation of resources.
Both are impact-informed approaches. They illustrate the value and relative importance of impacts from the perspective of those impacted, which is the foundation of a credible Social Value Account.
SROI takes this work further. It includes the value of secondary and systems impacts and draws upon a variety of valuation techniques to represent the relative importance of impacts experienced. Once completed, an SROI ratio compares the value of change to the cost of achieving it.
Highly interactive. Based upon real-life examples of participants and course leaders.
Currently online, this course is structured into 5, 3-hour sessions (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday following Monday, Tuesday). Followed by a 1-hour recap session.
Learning outcomes:
Clear understanding of the history, philosophy and principles of SROI and social value
Practical application through work on a real-world example using an impact map
Per individual case
Clarity on scope, stakeholders, inputs and outputs
Outcomes mapped, evidenced, and valued
Options & application of different valuation techniques
Understanding of assurance and accreditation requirements
Discussion on broader implications of Social Value and SROI in decision making, implementation, policy development, impact investment, and accountability/reporting - across all sectors.

Level 2 Accreditation Training
This course is a key part of the Social Value International Accredited Practitioner Pathway for social value professionals in Canada and around the world. It is a requirement for all seeking credentials in Social Value and SROI practice.
Course Overview:
Social Value and SROI are internationally recognised tools for understanding, measuring, maximizing, and valuing outcomes - i.e. to inform insights into how well impact is maximized via decision-making and allocation of resources.
Both are impact-informed approaches. They illustrate the value and relative importance of impacts from the perspective of those impacted, which is the foundation of a credible Social Value Account.
SROI takes this work further. It includes the value of secondary and systems impacts and draws upon a variety of valuation techniques to represent the relative importance of impacts experienced. Once completed, an SROI ratio compares the value of change to the cost of achieving it.
Highly interactive. Based upon real-life examples of participants and course leaders.
Currently online, this course is structured into 5, 3-hour sessions (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday following Monday, Tuesday). Followed by a 1-hour recap session.
Learning outcomes:
Clear understanding of the history, philosophy and principles of SROI and social value
Practical application through work on a real-world example using an impact map
Per individual case
Clarity on scope, stakeholders, inputs and outputs
Outcomes mapped, evidenced, and valued
Options & application of different valuation techniques
Understanding of assurance and accreditation requirements
Discussion on broader implications of Social Value and SROI in decision making, implementation, policy development, impact investment, and accountability/reporting - across all sectors.

Level 2 Accreditation Training
This course is a key part of the Social Value International Accredited Practitioner Pathway for social value professionals in Canada and around the world. It is a requirement for all seeking credentials in Social Value and SROI practice.
Course Overview:
Social Value and SROI are internationally recognised tools for understanding, measuring, maximizing, and valuing outcomes - i.e. to inform insights into how well impact is maximized via decision-making and allocation of resources.
Both are impact-informed approaches. They illustrate the value and relative importance of impacts from the perspective of those impacted, which is the foundation of a credible Social Value Account.
SROI takes this work further. It includes the value of secondary and systems impacts and draws upon a variety of valuation techniques to represent the relative importance of impacts experienced. Once completed, an SROI ratio compares the value of change to the cost of achieving it.
Highly interactive. Based upon real-life examples of participants and course leaders.
Currently online, this course is structured into 5, 3-hour sessions (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday following Monday, Tuesday). Followed by a 1-hour recap session.
Learning outcomes:
Clear understanding of the history, philosophy and principles of SROI and social value
Practical application through work on a real-world example using an impact map
Per individual case
Clarity on scope, stakeholders, inputs and outputs
Outcomes mapped, evidenced, and valued
Options & application of different valuation techniques
Understanding of assurance and accreditation requirements
Discussion on broader implications of Social Value and SROI in decision making, implementation, policy development, impact investment, and accountability/reporting - across all sectors.

Introduction to: Social Value
Whether you’re an advanced practitioner wanting to recap, aspiring changemaker, or simply curious about social value, this session welcomes everyone eager to deepen their understanding of social value and impact management.
Key topics include:
The Principles of Social Value: their purpose, application, and the SVI standards for their use,
The distinctions between impact management and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), and
Why starting with impact management can be transformative for individuals, social enterprises andorganisations across sectors.
Please note: This session is open to anyone interested in the social value movement and impact management.

Level 1 Practitioner Exam
This Social Value Practitioner Exam is a series of multiple choice, True/False, and ‘fill in the gaps’ style questions divided into six sections. The exam structure mirrors the progression of all Social Value courses, including Social Value & SROI: The Foundations and Social Value & SROI for Practitioners in particular.
The writer is offered a maximum of 90 minutes (about 1 and a half hours) to complete the exam. It is generally agreed that timing is ample for completion and pre-submission review.
Once exam access is purchased, the writer can begin at any time, however, the exam can only be written in one sitting (i.e. stop/start breaks are not possible).
Exam purchase requires a) current SVC membership, b) a Commitment of Good Practice, and c) Terms and Conditions upon application. Upon a successful result, the writer is awarded Level 1: Social Value Associate status, which remains current for 12 months. Social Value Canada will activate the renewal process every 12 months.
There is no prerequisite to write the exam yet some pre-reading may be beneficial. A link to the Level 1 Practitioner Exam reading list is here.
To register click the payment link below.

Monthly Member Connect
We are having regular monthly drop-in session for members to meet in an informal setting, discuss ongoing or completed work, and get information on the latest happenings.
Join us!

Social Value & SROI: The Foundations
An engaging, short course focused on the foundations of Social Value and Social Return on Investment (SROI). It is an opportunity to focus on the essential concepts and tools of Social Value, SROI, and impact management.
This 1-day course is organized into three, 90-minute sessions, with 30 minute breaks beginning at 7:30 AM PST / 10:30 AM EST and ending at 1:30 PST / 4:30 EST.
Content Overview:
The Eight Principles of Social Value are the content anchor. The course highlights the needed steps to create meaningful social value accounts, and Social Value & SROI reports that are tailored to specific audiences.
Participants gain insights into social impact management practice, how to embed Social Value in decision-making, and how to use Social Value tools such as SROI to maximize impact for all people affected.
Whether your organization seeks to maximize the impact of services, inform program design, or improve sustainability performance, this Social Value and SROI course is essential to inform and investigate social impact management, valuation and reporting practice.

Introduction to the Professional Pathway
Welcome to "Introduction to the Professional Pathway," hosted by Social Value Canada (SVC).
The SVI Professional Pathway enables individual practitioners to gain internationally recognized qualifications in social value and impact management. It is a three-tiered pathway that supports those developing their skills, knowledge and practice in social value, impact management and the practical application of the SVI framework in social impact assessment and SROI. The accreditation it confers enables practitioners to showcase their skills and expertise to potential clients, employers or partners.
In this session, we will explore the different levels in the Professional Pathway, detailing the distinctions between them and providing more information on assurance and accreditation.
Whether you attend on your own behalf or as a representative of an organization, this event is tailored to provide a clear understanding of the pathway and how it can benefit you professionally.
Join us for an engaging and informative session, where we share how you can become part of a community of experts who are shaping the social value movement and changing the way the world accounts for value.
Please note: This session is open to Members & Non-Members

SVI Global Coffee Chat
Opportunity for meaningful international connection is a key benefit of being part of Social Value Canada (SVC). These coffee chats are organized by Social Value International (SVI), on behalf of its 26Joint and Associated Member Networks from across the world.
While all members are invited to join every month, these chats are organized to include the Americas bi-monthly.
At SVC, we believe that the more we engage internationally, the more we will bring new knowledge home and further strengthen our own work.
Working with colleagues from across the globe, we advance towards the ultimate goal of all decisions accounting for impact on the well-being of people and planet. And, most emphatically, towards ensuring those decisions account for the real experience of those who have been impacted.
Together, we are changing the way the world accounts for value. Join us!

Level 1 Practitioner Exam
This Social Value Practitioner Exam is a series of multiple choice, True/False, and ‘fill in the gaps’ style questions divided into six sections. The exam structure mirrors the progression of all Social Value courses, including Social Value & SROI: The Foundations and Social Value & SROI for Practitioners in particular.
The writer is offered a maximum of 90 minutes (about 1 and a half hours) to complete the exam. It is generally agreed that timing is ample for completion and pre-submission review.
Once exam access is purchased, the writer can begin at any time, however, the exam can only be written in one sitting (i.e. stop/start breaks are not possible).
Exam purchase requires a) current SVC membership, b) a Commitment of Good Practice, and c) Terms and Conditions upon application. Upon a successful result, the writer is awarded Level 1: Social Value Associate status, which remains current for 12 months. Social Value Canada will activate the renewal process every 12 months.
There is no prerequisite to write the exam yet some pre-reading may be beneficial. A link to the Level 1 Practitioner Exam reading list is here.
To register click the payment link below.

Monthly Member Gathering
Join us on December 18th at Noon for a Year In Review Member Gathering. Connect with fellow members and practitioners to explore the latest developments in Social Value across Canada. Share your own insights and discuss your own achievements and work regarding social value and SROI and bring any questions to the table.
See you there!

SDG Impact Standards CPD Session - Deep Dive on Content
The purpose of these CPD sessions is to provide:
Updates to the Training Materials
An opportunity for technical discussion on the content of the training
Top tips for trainers such as how to improve time management and presentation style
A space for the community to network and discuss opportunities
The CPD session will be an open space for trainers to bring questions and issues to be discussed with other trainers and the SDG Impact and SVI teams.

Accredited Practitioner Community Call
Every month, Practitioners on the Social Value International Professional Pathway come together to discuss methodology and the more technical aspects of their Social Value and SROI work.
This international connection is a key benefit of building the Social Value community in Canada. The more we connect locally, the more we collectively engage internationally, the more we bring new knowledge home, further strengthen our own work, and achieve greater impact.
Accredited Practitioner Community calls are a space that enables members of the AP Community (Level 1: Social Value Associates, Level 2: Accredited Practitioners, Level 3: Advanced Practitioners, Accredited Trainers, and Accredited Assessors) to come together for technical discussions around Social Value, SROI, impact measurement and impact management.
Practitioners are invited to bring questions and challenges to the calls, for peer-to-peer discussion. Practitioners are also invited to share breakthroughs and "social value wins" with the community to help share knowledge and progress. From time to time, these calls may also be used to share important updates on methodology or assurance from Social Value International.
Participation at the Accredited Practitioner Community calls can also be used as evidence of ongoing Continuing Professional Development (CPD) when your AP status is up for renewal!

Level 1: Social Value Associate Call
Social Value International Level 1 Practitioner Monthly Call
You are invited to join the new monthly call exclusively for those who have achieved Level 1 status (Social Value Associates) on 10 December at 4PM GMT.
These calls will provide an opportunity for you to network with peers, receive technical support from Social Value International, and share your experiences on the Professional Pathway. Through these calls, SVI aims to better understand your journey and provide tailored support to help you progress through the accreditation levels.
Who should join?
While this call is specifically for Level 1 practitioners, you are also encouraged to join the regular Accredited Practitioner Community calls to stay up to date with the latest developments in SVI methodology and practice, and to participate in technical discussions with other practitioners at Levels 2 and 3.
Attendance at the Accredited Practitioner Community calls can also be used as evidence of ongoing CPD when your AP status is up for renewal!

Level 1 Practitioner Exam
This Social Value Practitioner Exam is a series of multiple choice, True/False, and ‘fill in the gaps’ style questions divided into six sections. The exam structure mirrors the progression of all Social Value courses, including Social Value & SROI: The Foundations and Social Value & SROI for Practitioners in particular.
The writer is offered a maximum of 90 minutes (about 1 and a half hours) to complete the exam. It is generally agreed that timing is ample for completion and pre-submission review.
Once exam access is purchased, the writer can begin at any time, however, the exam can only be written in one sitting (i.e. stop/start breaks are not possible).
Exam purchase requires a) current SVC membership, b) a Commitment of Good Practice, and c) Terms and Conditions upon application. Upon a successful result, the writer is awarded Level 1: Social Value Associate status, which remains current for 12 months. Social Value Canada will activate the renewal process every 12 months.
There is no prerequisite to write the exam yet some pre-reading may be beneficial. A link to the Level 1 Practitioner Exam reading list is here.
To register click the payment link below.

SVI Global Coffee Chat
Opportunity for meaningful international connection is a key benefit of being part of Social Value Canada (SVC). These coffee chats are organized by Social Value International (SVI), on behalf of its 26Joint and Associated Member Networks from across the world.
While all members are invited to join every month, these chats are organized to include the Americas bi-monthly.
At SVC, we believe that the more we engage internationally, the more we will bring new knowledge home and further strengthen our own work.
Working with colleagues from across the globe, we advance towards the ultimate goal of all decisions accounting for impact on the well-being of people and planet. And, most emphatically, towards ensuring those decisions account for the real experience of those who have been impacted.
Together, we are changing the way the world accounts for value. Join us!

Launch of Impact Valuation Hub
Connection to international community is a key benefit of building the Social Value community in Canada. The more we connect locally, the more we collectively engage internationally, the more we bring new knowledge home, further strengthen our own work, and achieve greater impact. The Impact Valuation Hub is one of many examples.
The Impact Valuation Hub is a collaborative initiative, aiming to advance the use of impact valuation practices among private investors.
Hosted by Social Value International, The Hub convenes investors, standard-setters, and other experts to promote learning and innovation by:
Establishing impact valuation into fund management practices
Sharing practical tools and resources to implement impact valuation
Building and sharing impact datasets.
This Webinar will inform participants about impact valuation, the vision for The Hub, and the impact valuation journeys (to date!) of the founding investors.
Speakers include:
Hannah Berget, Summa Equity
Leslie Kapin, Astanor
Michiel Lenstra, Wire Group
For ongoing communications and updates, visit the Impact Valuation Hub website and subscribe.
Join us in this new initiative to change the way the world (in this case private investors!) account for value.

Social Value & SROI: The Foundations
An engaging, short course focused on the foundations of Social Value and Social Return on Investment (SROI). It is an opportunity to focus on the essential concepts and tools of Social Value, SROI, and impact management.
This 1-day course is organized into three, 90-minute sessions, with 30 minute breaks beginning at 7:30 AM PST / 10:30 AM EST and ending at 1:30 PST / 4:30 EST.
Content Overview:
The Eight Principles of Social Value are the content anchor. The course highlights the needed steps to create meaningful social value accounts, and Social Value & SROI reports that are tailored to specific audiences.
Participants gain insights into social impact management practice, how to embed Social Value in decision-making, and how to use Social Value tools such as SROI to maximize impact for all people affected.
Whether your organization seeks to maximize the impact of services, inform program design, or improve sustainability performance, this Social Value and SROI course is essential to inform and investigate social impact management, valuation and reporting practice.

Level 1 Practitioner Exam
This Social Value Practitioner Exam is a series of multiple choice, True/False, and ‘fill in the gaps’ style questions divided into six sections. The exam structure mirrors the progression of all Social Value courses, including Social Value & SROI: The Foundations and Social Value & SROI for Practitioners in particular.
The writer is offered a maximum of 90 minutes (about 1 and a half hours) to complete the exam. It is generally agreed that timing is ample for completion and pre-submission review.
Once exam access is purchased, the writer can begin at any time, however, the exam can only be written in one sitting (i.e. stop/start breaks are not possible).
Exam purchase requires a) current SVC membership, b) a Commitment of Good Practice, and c) Terms and Conditions upon application. Upon a successful result, the writer is awarded Level 1: Social Value Associate status, which remains current for 12 months. Social Value Canada will activate the renewal process every 12 months.
There is no prerequisite to write the exam yet some pre-reading may be beneficial. A link to the Level 1 Practitioner Exam reading list is here.
To register click the payment link below.

Level 2 Accredited Training
This course is a key part of the Social Value International Accredited Practitioner Pathway for social value professionals in Canada and around the world. It is a requirement for all seeking credentials in Social Value and SROI practice.
Course Overview:
Social Value and SROI are internationally recognised tools for understanding, measuring, maximizing, and valuing outcomes - i.e. to inform insights into how well impact is maximized via decision-making and allocation of resources.
Both are impact-informed approaches. They illustrate the value and relative importance of impacts from the perspective of those impacted, which is the foundation of a credible Social Value Account.
SROI takes this work further. It includes the value of secondary and systems impacts and draws upon a variety of valuation techniques to represent the relative importance of impacts experienced. Once completed, an SROI ratio compares the value of change to the cost of achieving it.
Highly interactive. Based upon real-life examples of participants and course leaders.
Currently online, this course is structured into 5, 3-hour sessions. Followed by a 1-hour recap session.
Learning outcomes:
Clear understanding of the history, philosophy and principles of SROI and social value
Practical application through work on a real-world example using an impact map
Per individual case
Clarity on scope, stakeholders, inputs and outputs
Outcomes mapped, evidenced, and valued
Options & application of different valuation techniques
Understanding of assurance and accreditation requirements
Discussion on broader implications of Social Value and SROI in decision making, implementation, policy development, impact investment, and accountability/reporting - across all sectors.

Info Session: Natural Capital Train-the-trainer Course
Info Session: Natural Capital Train-the-trainer Course
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about the Natural Capital for Business Decision-Making – On the Path to Nature Positive and Net Zero Train-the-Trainer course. This info session provides an in-depth look at how this course can equip you with the skills to integrate natural capital approaches into business strategies, fostering sustainable decision-making.
You’ll gain insight into the course structure, understand its benefits for trainers, and engage in a live Q&A with the facilitators to answer all your questions about the course.
In this session, we’ll cover:
What the Natural Capital for Business Decision-Making course entails
How it can enhance your professional journey and expand your trainer skills
Course structure, content, and cost details
A live Q&A with the facilitators
Join us and discover how this Train-the-Trainer course can advance your career and position you as a leader in natural capital education!
Please note: This an open session

Practitioner Chat
Social Value Canada is growing. People are choosing to participate. It is exciting to witness the breadth of skills and expertise emerging as SVC experiences growth.
Many are asking about professional credentials and what is meant by the Practitioner Pathway. Did you know that the most direct route to Social Value credentials starts with the AP1?.
Interested in learning more? Join us on October 18 at 1 PM EST for an informal, informative chat about what the AP1 is, the value of the credential, and an update on associated happenings.
Together, we are changing the way the world accounts for value. Looking forward!