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Level 1 Practitioner Exam

This Social Value Practitioner Exam is a series of multiple choice, True/False, and ‘fill in the gaps’ style questions divided into six sections. The exam structure mirrors the progression of all Social Value courses, including Social Value & SROI: The Foundations and Social Value & SROI for Practitioners in particular.

The writer is offered a maximum of 90 minutes (about 1 and a half hours) to complete the exam. It is generally agreed that timing is ample for completion and pre-submission review.

Once exam access is purchased, the writer can begin at any time, however, the exam can only be written in one sitting (i.e. stop/start breaks are not possible).

Exam purchase requires a) current SVC membership, b) a Commitment of Good Practice, and c) Terms and Conditions upon application. Upon a successful result, the writer is awarded Level 1: Social Value Associate status, which remains current for 12 months. Social Value Canada will activate the renewal process every 12 months.

There is no prerequisite to write the exam yet some pre-reading may be beneficial. A link to the Level 1 Practitioner Exam reading list is here.

To register click the payment link below.

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